Quotes of the Week

It’s hard to imagine someone wrapping up the GOP nomination after just four states. Texas is poised to be a big prize in a battle that could go well into the spring.

Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report on the unsettled GOP presidential picture that could benefit a Texas-based candidate

I’ve only gotten one call about this, from a guy from South Texas who thinks (President Barack) Obama is a Muslim imperialist who is going to take our guns away. That’s it. … Maybe there are people here upset about this, but I don’t know them, and I don’t know anyone who knows them.

Bastrop Mayor Ken Kesselus, indicating that Jade Helm 15 fervor might have peaked

If the government has an idea they can come in and take over, and take guns away, the stupidest place they could come is West Texas.

Tom Green County commissioner Bill Ford, also expressing skepticism of conspiracy theories that Jade Helm 15 is a prelude to a U.S. military takeover

I mean if any kind of crime shows up here — people getting knocked out in the street, people getting their homes broken into, people getting their cars stolen — you can just assume that’s not the local population. That’s gotta be the federal government.

Bastrop resident Blaze Hooper telling KUT radio his concerns about the presence of Jade Helm 15