Quotes of the Week

I hear Democrats in this state say all the time, ‘If only we could get people to go out and vote for us, if only people didn’t stay home on Election Day,’ and then they go and do stuff like this and they wonder why people don’t want to vote for them.

Andrew Dobbs of the Texas Campaign for the Environment on the Democrats backing legislation that would stop local regulation of oil and gas exploration

You go to talking about condemning something by eminent domain, you’ll get shot in this part of the country.

Big Bend rancher Mary Luedeke on the controversy flaring there over a proposed 143-mile natural gas pipeline that would run to the Mexican border

I just don’t want somebody to be called a criminal just because they can’t get to school.

State Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, on the need for his bill that ends criminal penalties for truancy

The legislative process is pretty cool, but it would be hard for me to do this for very long.

Jacob Hale, a 13-year-old student from Austin, after testifying in favor of a bill inspired by his research that would change the name of Confederate Heroes Day