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Texas leaders followed their playbook in 2019. Will they do so this year?

Texas’ 2019 legislative session was one of the most productive in recent years. To quote the Lieutenant Governor, it was the “Super Bowl of Legislative Sessions,” and voters noticed. Well, it’s Super Bowl time again. Will they follow the same playbook?

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By Tom Luce, founder and chairman of Texas 2036

Texas 2036 builds long-term, data-driven strategies that will secure Texas’ prosperity through its bicentennial and beyond.

“Well, it’s Super Bowl time again. With so much on the line, can the state afford a legislative session that achieves anything less than what was accomplished in 2019?”

“Over 80% of Texas voters said the Legislature should act now to address challenges highlighted by the pandemic. Almost 90% said they were concerned about the future of Texas.”

“Today, even with the vaccine rollout underway, unemployment in Texas remains at 7.2%, more than twice the pre-pandemic level. Economists worry that many of the jobs lost last year may never come back.”

“This begins with comprehensive workforce reforms that align our educational systems to meet employers’ needs so all Texans can access good jobs. Roughly 84% of Texans agree, according to The Texas Voter Poll. Further, more than three of four voters believe the state should deliver value to taxpayers by measuring which education and workforce programs successfully connect Texans to good-paying jobs.”

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“Texans sent lawmakers to Austin to do great things; they expect no less this time.”