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A sustainable Texas is possible, but we have to get to work

The challenges the nation and our state face are daunting, but there is a path forward that is sustainable, equitable and inspiring.

Houston skyline on summer

By John Hall, CEO and President, HARC

HARC is a nonprofit research hub providing independent analysis on energy, air, water and climate issues to people seeking scientific answers. Its research activities support the implementation of policies and technologies that promote sustainability based on scientific principles. HARC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization building a sustainable future in which people thrive and nature flourishes.

“Texas’ very identity is changing, and how we plan for and react to this change will determine the next century of Texas history.”

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How do we develop solutions for these challenges?

solar panels
John Hall is CEO and President of HARC, a sustainability science and policy analysis organization based in The Woodlands.