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One education equity battle everyone can get behind

Our education system is growing increasingly complex. Why not give all students the opportunity to receive life-changing information that helps guide them through the process?

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By Jayda Batchelder, Founder & CEO of Education Opens Doors

Jayda Batchelder is the Founder & CEO of Education Opens Doors, a nonprofit organization that partners with middle schools across the country, training teachers to equip their students with the college and career knowledge and skills they need for long-term success.

Jayda Batchelder, Founder & CEO of Education Opens Doors

“We believe that when doors open, lives change.”

“Early intervention is imperative - students are being asked to make important decisions well before they enter high school.”

“Students receive 900 minutes of active post-high school planning and career pathway preparation.”

“For the rest of 2022, in connection with our 10th anniversary since launching, we’ll be releasing an article on The Texas Tribune on the 10th day of every month.”