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Clockwise: Devonte, Ciera, (group photo) and Jeremiah are seen in a CPS photo used for the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TERE)

Texas removed six Black children from their homes. Their adoptive parents drove them off a cliff.

After a murder-suicide in 2018, a reporter spent years investigating Texas’ troubled foster care system. Too often, it prioritized terminating parental rights over keeping birth families intact.

Dontay Davis in a (SCHOOL YEARBOOK?) photo obtained by author Roxanna Asgarian on Sep. 17, 2029.
In a photo taken on June 13, 2018 by author Roxanna Asgarian, Devonte, Jeremiah and Dontay (left to right) are pictured in an undated photo.
In a photo taken on April 12, 2018 by author Roxanna Asgarian, Priscilla Celestine holds Ciera Davis.

Clarence (biological dad of Ciera and Jeremiah) and Sherry Davis (birth mother of all the kids) in Houston, TX on April 13, 2018.
Nathaniel Davis holds Devonte Davis in a photo obtained by author Roxanna Asgarian on Sept. 17, 2019.
In a photo taken on April 12, 2018 by author Roxanna Asgarian, Nathaniel Davis holds Ciera Davis.
Ciera, Dontay and Jeremiah during a CPS visit in a family photo obtained by author Roxanna Asgarian on Jan. 3,  2021.

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