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Coronavirus in Texas

Balancing "caution and pent-up demand": Texans face health risks and financial woes as state’s battered economy slowly reopens

Gov. Greg Abbott has received mixed reviews for reopening businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. While some Texans aren't eager to venture out, others feel a responsibility to support local enterprises.

Blue Dahlia in downtown San Marcos has temporarily closed its operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taken on April 10, 2020.
Envelope with money in it

The impact on Texas’ economy

“There’s no indication from any critical source that this will be like flipping on a lightbulb.”

— Scott Benedict, director of Texas A&M's Center for Retailing Studies

Obstacles to opening

“For some of our smaller independents with limited seating, this may not be feasible. All restaurants are not created equal as far as ability to generate revenue.”

— Emily Williams Knight, president and CEO of the Texas Restaurant Association

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