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The Water Calendar

Key meetings and events over the coming weeks.

Cypress Creek in downtown Wimberley.

Trib+Water brings you a listing of meetings, conferences and other events of note in the Texas water community:

Wednesday, April 5

  • Region G (Brazos) Regional Water Planning Group Meeting; Brazos River Authority Headquarters, 4600 Cobbs Dr., Waco (10 a.m.)
  • Texas House Natural Resources Committee, regularly scheduled hearing; Texas Capitol, E2.010 (10:30 a.m., or upon adjournment of the House)
  • Region D (North East Texas) Regional Planning Group Meeting; Mount Pleasant Civic Center, 1800 N. Jefferson St., Mount Pleasant (1 p.m.)

Thursday, April 6

  • Texas Water Development Board, Board of Directors Meeting; Stephen F. Austin Bldg., Room 170, 1700 N. Congress Ave., Austin (9:30 a.m.)

Monday, April 10:

  • Texas Water 2017: Regional Conference for Water & Wastewater Professionals; Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin (April 10-13)
  • Texas Senate Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs, regularly scheduled hearing; Texas Capitol, E1.012 (2 p.m., or upon adjournment of the Senate)

Tuesday, April 11:

  • Edwards Aquifer Authority, Board of Directors Meeting; 900 E. Quincy, San Antonio (3 p.m.)

Items for the Texas Water Events calendar are collected and curated by Todd Votteler, Editor-in-Chief of the Texas Water Journal. Additional calendar events can be found here.

85th Texas Legislature - Water Legislation of Note:

SB 864 (Perry); relating to the procedure for obtaining a right to use state water if the applicant proposes an alternative source of water. Referred to the Senate Local and Uncontested Calendar. 

SB 225 (Taylor) and HB 3525 (Price); relating to the referral by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the State Office of Administrative Hearings of an issue regarding an application for a water right. Committee action pending on SB 225 in Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Affairs. 

SB 1009 (Perry) and HB 4017 (Larson); relating to the administrative completeness requirements for permit and permit amendment applications for groundwater conservation districts.  Received in the House.

HB 2378 (Larson) and SB 774 (Perry); relating to extensions of an expired permit for the transfer of groundwater from a groundwater conservation district.  Committee action pending in House Natural Resources.

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