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Event: Urban Riparian Symposium

The Urban Riparian Symposium, "Balancing the Challenges of Healthy Urban Streams," will take place Feb. 15-17 at Rice University in Houston.

The upper reaches of Dead Man's Canyon of the Pecos River with lower-than average water levels in the Pecos River just west of Comstock, Texas on October 12, 2012.

What: The Urban Riparian Symposium, "Balancing the Challenges of Healthy Urban Streams." Presentations, discussions and workshops will provide an opportunity for natural resources professionals to share ideas and lessons learned in urban riparian and stream planning, assessment, design, construction and evaluation.

Who: Sponsors include the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Texas Water Resources Institute, the Texas Riparian Association, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Texas A&M Forest Service, the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, the Upper Trinity Conservation Trust, and Save Buffalo Bayou. 

When: Feb. 15–17

Where: BioScience Research Collaborative, Rice University, 6500 Main St., Houston

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