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The Bookshelf: Nov. 30, 2016

In this week's Bookshelf, our content partner Kirkus Reviews highlights The Flood Year 1927.

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Trib+Water is joining with respected books authority Kirkus Reviews to bring you select reviews of books of note in the field of water studies. For more book reviews and recommendations, visit

THE FLOOD YEAR 1927: A Cultural History

by Susan Scott Parrish

A scholar’s cross-disciplinary look back at the little-remembered greatest natural disaster in American history. ... Although Parrish sketches out the scope of this catastrophe, she’s less interested in a granular account of the slow-moving, long-lasting flood than in exploring how such a disaster acquires meaning. Through multiple lenses—sociological, ecological, cultural, and aesthetic—she focuses on the dark side of modernity, the ominous portents of the future accompanying the deluge: the man-made contributions—clear-cutting, industrial farming, faulty levee design—to the flood’s magnitude; the harsh economics and the even more severe prejudice that left African-Americans most vulnerable to the flood’s depredations ... As a cubist might, Parrish paints a multifaceted portrait of catastrophe: sometimes puzzling, often surprising, and wholly original.

For the full review, visit

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