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Glenn Beck, Alex Jones face outrage, ridicule after takes on Clinton

The two conservative Texas pundits are drawing national attention for their markedly different views on the presidential race.

Radio hosts Glenn Beck (l.) and Alex Jones flank Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Two well-known Texas pundits this week are drawing national attention — and in one case mocking from President Obama — for their very different responses to the current state of the presidential race.

Dallas-based radio host Glenn Beck stunned many of his conservative listeners by declaring Sunday on Facebook that opposing Republican Donald Trump was the "moral, ethical choice," even if it meant electing Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Beck's announcement was initially interpreted by some as a Clinton endorsement. He later clarified that he wasn't endorsing anyone after backing Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas during the primaries.

"Neither candidate is even close to what I expect and, as a citizen, demand from our leadership," Beck wrote on his website Tuesday. "If the election were today, I would vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party — BUT — that is a) Not an endorsement and b) Subject to change."

Also Tuesday, Obama referred to Austin-based radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones when he mentioned "a guy on the radio" whose theory about him and Clinton had caught the president's attention.

"I was reading the other day, there's a guy on the radio who — apparently Trump is on his show frequently — he said me and Hillary are demons," Obama said during a speech in Greensboro, North Carolina. "Said we 'smell like sulfur.'"

"Ain't that something?" he asked the crowd, drawing laughter as he pretended to sniff his hand.

Jones, who is supporting Trump, said on his show this week that he believes Clinton is "demon-possessed" and that her and Obama "both smell like sulfur."

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