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Texas Medical Board's Executive Director Announces Resignation

After almost 16 years with the Texas Medical Board, Mari Robinson announced Wednesday that she is stepping down as executive director.

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After almost 16 years working for the Texas Medical Board, Mari Robinson announced Wednesday that she is stepping down as executive director in mid-October to accept a new position as the director of telehealth at The University of Texas Medical Branch. 

Scott Freshour, the board's general counsel, will step into the executive director's role during the interim. 

"I want to reassure you that there is nothing negative behind my decision to leave nor is there anything bad coming down the pike," Robinson said in a statement released Tuesday to staff and board members. "While there maybe be gossip about this, there is absolutely no truth to anything like that. Honestly, I am just ready to try something new and I am excited about this opportunity."

Robinson has been a part of the board since 2001, working as a litigation attorney prosecuting physicians who violated the Medical Practices Act. Robinson said she became the agency's executive director about eight years ago and has served the longest tenure in the role in the past three decades. 

"As a group, y’all have always done the right thing even when it was the difficult thing, and I greatly admire you for it. I am extremely proud of all the board has accomplished in the time that I have been with the agency," Robinson said.

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