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The Brief: Cruz's Race for the White House Ends in Indiana

Ted Cruz ended his presidential campaign Tuesday night, soon after the results from the Indiana primaries showed that he was absorbing a crushing defeat there at the hands of Donald Trump.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz drops out of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination as his wife Heidi (R) looks on during his Indiana primary night rally in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S., May 3, 2016.

The Big Conversation

Ted Cruz ended his presidential campaign Tuesday night, soon after the results from the Indiana primaries showed that he was absorbing a crushing defeat there at the hands of Donald Trump.

“I said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory," the Texas senator told supporters, as reported by the Tribune's Patrick Svitek. "Tonight I am sorry to say that it appears that path has foreclosed.”

Until Tuesday night, the Cruz campaign hadn't indicated it planned to immediately leave the race, even releasing details on further rallies this week. However, Cruz had gone all in on his push to win in Indiana, and a loss there significantly narrowed his options to win the nomination at a contested convention this summer.

With Cruz now out, the question becomes what's next for the senator who, it must be remembered, is still in just his first term in the U.S. Senate.

"And when he returns to the Senate with two and a half years left in his freshman term, he will enter hostile territory," wrote the Tribune's Abby Livingston. "There is no way around it: The actions he took over the course of his presidential campaign only further frayed Cruz's strained relationships with colleagues."

The conventional wisdom, Livingston wrote, is that Cruz runs for re-election in 2018.

"A second term could prove appealing to Cruz," Livingston wrote. "Most obviously, it is hard to run for president as an out-of-office candidate. .... The Senate also gives Cruz a platform to play a foil to a potential Clinton or Trump presidency."

“Maybe he gets another shot,” [Texas GOP consultant BrendanSteinhauser told the Tribune. “He needs to focus on being a senator, and he comes back after four years of Hillary or four years of Trump.”

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The Day Ahead

•    The Senate Business & Commerce Committee holds an interim hearing at 9 a.m. in the Capitol extension with a focus on legislation passed last year intended to address medical balance billing.

•    The Senate subcommittee on border security also meets at 9 a.m. in the Capitol extension. On the agenda is an examination of a potential interstate compact on border security.

•    A Senate select committee on Texas ports holds an interim hearing at 11:30 a.m. in the Capitol extension. Part of the hearing will focus on the impact of the Panama Canal expansion on Texas ports.


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Quote to Note

“Ted Cruz’s theory of the race was that conservatives were angry. It turns out that everyone was angry.”

— Ben Domenech, the publisher of the conservative online journal The Federalist, on what got Cruz got wrong in his bid for the White House, which ended Tuesday

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Trib Events for the Calendar

•    A Conversation on Mental Health Matters on May 10 at KLRU Studio 6A in Austin

•    A Conversation with Mike Morath, Texas Education Commissioner, on May 17 at The Austin Club

•    A Conversation Series on the Direction of Health Care: Do We Have Enough Doctors?, on May 19 at the Medical World Americas Conference in Houston

•    The Texas Tribune Festival on Sept. 23-25 at the University of Texas at Austin

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