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Companies in Dispute Over San Antonio Pipeline Project

The controversial proposed $3.4 billion San Antonio pipeline project known as Vista Ridge is in more hot water as one groundwater company is suing another, claiming that it has been cut out of a revenue-sharing agreement.

A map of the proposed pipeline that will deliver 16 billion gallons of water annually from underneath Burleson County to San Antonio, about 140 miles away.

The controversial proposed $3.4 billion San Antonio pipeline project known as Vista Ridge, which would pipe water to the city from Burleson County, is in more hot water, as one groundwater company, the Metropolitan Water Company, is suing another, Blue Water Systems of Austin, claiming that it has been cut out of a revenue-sharing agreement. Abengoa Vista Ridge, the company that is to build the pipeline, has also been named as a defendant in the suit. (Austin American-Statesman)

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