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Water Wars Not Over in Hays County

Plans to pump water from a previously unregulated part of the Trinity Aquifer continue to stir controversy in Hays County, even after legislation brought the aquifer under the control of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District.

Electro Purification's wells (the yellow dots on the map) are outside any regulator's purview. They're also near many other wells that depend on the Trinity Aquifer (the blue and green dots).

Plans to pump water from a previously unregulated part of the Trinity Aquifer continue to stir controversy in Hays County, even after legislation brought the aquifer under the control of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District. The BSEACD will host a public board meeting on Thursday, Oct. 22, to discuss the final pumping permit for Electro Purification, which is now pumping water under the use of a temporary permit. (The University Star)

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