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T-Squared: A New Partnership With The Washington Post

We're pleased to announce a wide-ranging content and marketing partnership with The Washington Post. Starting Jan. 1, we'll share stories, collaborate on reporting, co-brand and co-produce events and expand our respective audiences in Texas and D.C.

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When we checked in a few weeks ago to let you know that the Tribune’s relationship with The New York Times was coming to a close, we told you to stay tuned — that another major national partnership was in the works.

We’re pleased to announce today that The Texas Tribune and The Washington Post are joining forces effective Jan. 1, establishing a content-sharing, events and marketing agreement that will expose a wider national audience to the Trib’s great Texas politics and policy reporting and give Texans expanded access to The Post’s world class political coverage.

This partnership has developed organically: Over the last year, Trib stories have run in print and online at The Post, Post reporters moderated and participated in Tribune Festival panels, and our editors appeared in videos on PostTV, interviewed by political reporter Chris Cillizza. Tribune and Post reporters co-bylined stories and jointly produced fact-check videos of Texas stump speeches using TruthTeller, an app The Post developed.

Under our new agreement, The Post will get exclusive outside-of-Texas access to first-run Tribune stories for print and online, including those written by the Tribune’s new Washington bureau chief, Abby Livingston, who will office out of the Post newsroom; Tribune reporters will contribute to great Post blogs like GovBeat, The Fix and Post Politics; and Post stories and videos touching on Texas politics and policy will run concurrently in the Trib. Reporters from both organizations will team up on political and presidential coverage and breaking news, and the Trib’s weekly politics video, the Texas Political Roundup, will run on PostTV.

The Trib and The Post will also team up to pursue a presidential debate and a suite of other co-sponsored events. The first of these, a half-day symposium dubbed “Texas on the Potomac,” is slated for Jan. 29 in D.C.; stay tuned for the specifics, but expect big headliners.

Finally, we’ll soon be offering an incredible new perk to subscribers of Texas Weekly, our paid political newsletter, and to Texas Tribune members above the $250-a-year mark: a yearlong digital subscription to The Post.

We couldn’t be happier to be joining forces with Post Executive Editor Martin Baron, Senior Politics Editor Steven Ginsberg, and such an esteemed, ambitious and entrepreneurial group of reporters and editors. We look forward to sharing the best of Texas with The Post’s audience — and even more Texas news and analysis out of Washington with you.   

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