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T-Squared: Finish Strong

If you believe in the Trib's mission — if you believe our work makes communities smarter and stronger — let's make the last day of our fall membership drive week the best ever.

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Our fall membership drive has been a smashing success — in part, no doubt, because we've tied it to the ongoing celebration of our fifth anniversary, but mostly because the Tribune's goal of greater civic engagement through citizen-supported nonpartisan public interest media is worthy and irresistible.

To our new members, we say: Thanks! To our renewing members, we say: Thanks again! And to those of you who haven't given yet — well, there's still time.

In case we haven't made the case incessantly enough, here's the short-form pitch.

Texas, this state we love, deserves the kind of content mix — reporting, data and events — that the Trib produces each day. Texans rightly demand greater access to their elected officials, greater accountability by said officials and greater transparency into the inner workings of government, all of which the Trib makes possible through its robust watchdog journalism. Our friends and neighbors need to be better educated about the issues at play in the Legislature and in Congress, and the Trib's reporting staff — the largest covering a state capital of any news organization in the country — churns out a steady steam of good, reliable information that gives all of us the means to be more thoughtful and productive citizens.

If you believe in the Trib's mission, if you believe our work makes our communities smarter and stronger, please give. Let's make the last day of our membership drive week the best ever. Let's finish strong.

Go here to sign up today.

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