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In New TV Ad, Abbott Pledges Border Security

In his latest television ad, Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott promises greater investment to stop illegal immigration across the Texas-Mexico border.

In his latest television ad, Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott promises greater investment to stop illegal immigration across the Texas-Mexico border, taking a swipe at the feds while doing so.

"Together we can secure our border, keeping Texans safe from drug cartels and gangs that are importing crime to our state," Abbott says in the ad, which his campaign released Monday. A narrator adds, "Barack Obama won't secure the border, but Greg Abbott will."

The 30-second segment makes no mention of Abbott's Democratic opponent, state Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth.

In February, Abbott unveiled a policy proposal that would allocate more than $300 million over two years to improve border security, including the hiring of 500 new Department of Public Safety officers over four years.

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