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Burkett Challenger Gets $28K From Mostyn PAC

Milton Whitley, the Democratic challenger in House District 113, reports financial commitments from the Steve Mostyn-financed Back to Basics PAC and from Battleground Texas.

Milton Whitley, Democratic challenger in the Dallas County-based House District 113

Milton Whitley, the Democrat who is challenging Cindy Burkett in the Dallas County-based House District 113, has had a big boost in his fundraising, thanks to significant backing from a PAC financed by high-dollar Democratic donor Steve Mostyn and also from the Democratic get-out-the-vote operation Battleground Texas.

His 30-day report, released Monday afternoon, discloses that he raised more than $47,000 during July, August and September. The majority of that came from Mostyn's Back to Basics PAC, in the form of a $25,000 contribution and another $3,000 for polling.

Prior to this fundraising report, Whitley was a mostly self-financed candidate. An indication of strengthening Democratic institutional support came in early September when Battleground Texas released a campaign video highlighting Whitley's up-from-humble-beginnings backstory, tracing his professional career from busboy to restaurant owner to high school counselor.

In Monday's report, Whitley disclosed that Battleground Texas donated staff services to his campaign, a contribution he valued at more than $5,600. In addition, the House Democratic Campaign Committee gave $2,300 for polling and help with fundraising.

Burkett's report had not yet appeared on the Ethics Commission website as of late Monday afternoon.

Disclosure: Steve Mostyn and the Mostyn Law Firm was a major donor in 2010 to the Texas Tribune. A complete list of Texas Tribune donors and sponsors can be viewed here.

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