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NRA Endorses Abbott, Patrick

The political arm of the National Rifle Association announced Thursday that it is endorsing Republicans Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively.

Sen. Dan Patrick R-Houston, listens to Attorney General Greg Abbott during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Feb. 5, 2013. What will the balance of power look like between the incoming lieutenant governor and governor?

The political arm of the National Rifle Association announced Thursday that it is endorsing Republicans Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively.

The endorsements carry little in the way of surprise. Abbott, it should be remembered, posed for an October 2013 Texas Monthly cover holding a gun. The two candidates have also earned "A" ratings from the gun rights group for the 2014 general election.

About Abbott, the NRA said this:

“As Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott has been a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights and an outspoken critic of the Obama-Bloomberg gun control agenda,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF.  “In sharp contrast, his opponent supports restrictions on private firearm sales and even tried to ban gun shows from public facilities. Greg Abbott is the clear choice for Texas Governor."

About Patrick, the NRA said this:

“While serving in the Texas Senate, Dan Patrick was an unwavering supporter of vital pro-self-defense and pro-freedom measures,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF.  “Patrick co-authored and voted for the landmark law protecting the right of employees to transport and store firearms in locked, private motor vehicles while parked at work. Hard-working Texas gun owners and sportsmen have a true friend in Dan Patrick.”

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