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New Fracking Study Suggests Methane Leakage a Problem

A new study that analyzed reports from gas wells in the Marcellus shale region has found that some wells leak methane gas more than others, with the worse offenders being newer wells drilled with unconventional methods — i.e., fracking.

Jonathan Jones, Field Supervisor for Water Rescue Services, holding partially cleaned fracking waste water.

A new study that analyzed reports from gas wells in the Marcellus shale region, which covers Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York, has found that some wells leak methane gas more than others, with the worse offenders being newer wells drilled with unconventional methods. Study author Anthony Ingraffea, an engineering professor at Cornell University, said that these leaks could present a problem for drillers around the country, though energy industry spokespeople have criticized the study. (The Associated Press)

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