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The Brief: June 4, 2014

Immigration threatens to once again be a contentious issue among Republicans gathering for their state convention with several grassroots activists wanting the party to take a mulligan on including a guest worker plank in the platform two years ago.

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The Big Conversation

Immigration threatens to once again be a contentious issue among Republicans gathering for their state convention with many grassroots activists wanting the party to take a mulligan on including a guest worker plank in the platform two years ago.

"Some delegates say they are not satisfied with their party’s choice two years ago to approve a controversial softer approach, which includes a guest worker program, and fear it could open the door to amnesty," wrote the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Anna Tinsley. "Others say that plank is crucial to the party’s future and their ability to attract the fastest growing population group in the state: Hispanics."

Advocates on both sides wasted no time on Tuesday filling the electronic inboxes of allies with messages advocating their point of view. A couple of days before the convention is to gavel in, preliminary work on the party platform has already begun. Tinsley wrote: "Subcommittee workers said they are taking testimony to develop a proposal for the full party platform committee, which will approve a plan for all delegates to consider on the last day of the convention. They cautioned delegates that, with so many differing opinions, it’s likely that no one will get exactly what they want."

The Day Ahead

•    The House Human Services Committee meets at 9 a.m. in the Capitol Extension to look at how to help individuals with complex behavioral and medical needs in the community. Also, the committee will get an update on the STAR+PLUS managed care expansion. (agenda)

Today in the Trib

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Quote to Note

"I'd gotten so used to being here that I guess I forgot I couldn't act like I'd been born here."

Edgar Torres, a high school student from The Woodlands who was deported in the aftermath of assaulting a fellow student when sheriff's deputies discovered he was in the country illegally. Four years later, he is applying for amnesty.

Today in TribTalk

Can the Texas winning streak last?, by Ann Beeson: "Texas has lots to be proud of. Like any champion, though, we should ask whether our winning streak can last."

Trib Events for the Calendar

•    The Texas Tribune Festival runs from Sept. 19-21 at the University of Texas at Austin. Tickets are on sale now.

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