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The Bookshelf: May 7, 2014

In this week's Bookshelf, our content partner Kirkus Reviews highlights Plastic Purge.

Plastic Purge: How to Use Less Plastic, Eat Better, Keep Toxins Out of Your Body, and Help Save the Sea Turtles! by Michael SanClements

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PLASTIC PURGE: How to Use Less Plastic, Eat Better, Keep Toxins Out of Your Body, and Help Save the Sea Turtles!

by Michael SanClements

Ecologist and journalist SanClements, the associate director of the Hydrolic Sciences graduate program at the University of Colorado, provides an accessible starting point for improving personal and planetary health. … Thankfully, SanClements is never self-righteous or heavy-handed. The author understands that not all plastics are bad, and its uses have ensured that contemporary life is safer, easier and more efficient. The author also examines modern medical and scientific equipment, energy-saving home building materials and food safety. Nevertheless, he writes, “at some point, we got lazy, lost our way, or were seduced by the convenience of plastic, and now we find ourselves as a society on that plastic dark side.”

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