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Event: Southwest Stream Restoration Conference

The Resource Institute is sponsoring the Southwest Stream Restoration Conference, to be held May 28-30 in San Antonio.

A view downstream from the headwaters of the San Marcos River. Water from the Edwards Aquifer flows from San Marcos Springs into the San Marcos River.

What: Southwest Stream Restoration Conference, featuring presentations on stream restoration and management to prepare streams for the stresses of the future and on the ecological impact of stream restoration. 

Who: Sponsored by the Resource Institute, the conference will host speakers who include Kevin Wagner of Texas A&M University; Andrew Sansom, the director of the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University; Jack Schmidt of the Grand Canyon Research Center; Jack Williams of Trout Unlimited; and Michael "Squeak" Smith of the Resource Institute.  

When: May 28-30

Where: Hyatt Regency, San Antonio

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