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Palin Endorses Pierson in CD-32 Race

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Wednesday endorsed congressional candidate Katrina Pierson via Facebook.

Texas Gubernatorial candidate Katrina Pierson and former Alaska governor and vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Wednesday endorsed congressional candidate Katrina Pierson via Facebook. The Dallas Republican is challenging incumbent Pete Sessions in the CD-32 Republican primary.

In a lengthy post, Palin highlights Pierson as a an example of "good new candidates who will go to Washington not to line their own pockets, but to help restore our country."

"A feisty fighter for freedom, Katrina is taking on a powerful incumbent who has so lost touch with the people of his district that he’s not even bothering to spend much time in Texas anymore," Palin wrote. "It’s not only his district he’s lost touch with, but also the issues important to the voters there."

Palin also references a shout-out given to Pierson by Tea Party hero Ted Cruz. That wasn't an endorsement, but Cruz's father, Rafael, has officially endorsed Pierson.

Pierson's most recent fundraising figures, which were filed before the Rafael Cruz endorsement, were anemic. She reported raising $76,198 on that report with $50,249 in cash on hand. Sessions, meanwhile, reported raising nearly $1.3 million over the same period with about $1.3 million in cash on hand.

The next set of federal fundraising reports is due tomorrow.

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