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Abbott Raises $3.1 Million, Has $29.4 Million in Bank

UPDATED: The Wendy Davis campaign released fundraising numbers Monday evening that showed the campaign and two allied efforts raising nearly $913,000. Davis now has more than $10.2 million in cash on hand.

Attorney General Greg Abbott speaking at TPPF closing luncheon on Jan. 10, 2014.

Updated, 8:39 p.m.:

The Wendy Davis campaign announced Monday evening that it and two other campaign efforts allied with Davis raised nearly $913,000 from Jan. 1 through Jan. 23. Collectively, the groups have more than $10.2 million in cash on hand, according to a statement from the Davis campaign.

Original story

The Greg Abbott campaign announced Monday afternoon that it has raised $3.1 million from Jan. 1 through Jan. 23 and has $29.4 million in cash on hand. The campaign also noted in a press release that 96 percent of the donors who gave over that period are from Texas.

Abbott raised $11.6 million over the final six months of 2013 and has by far the biggest campaign war chest of any candidate going into 2014. The attention now shifts to the numbers put up by his likely Democratic opponent, Wendy Davis, who raised $12.2 million last filing period between her fundraising activity and that of another group committed to her election.

Campaign finance reports detailing activity from the New Year are due today. These 30-day reports are considered a key measure of campaigns' viability a month before Election Day.

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