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The Brief: Dec. 20, 2013

Health care navigators are back on the agenda with a hearing Friday morning in Austin on new proposed state rules by the state's insurance department.

Jill Ramirez, the director of outreach for the Latino Healthcare Forum, passes out flyers and explains components of the Affordable Care Act on Oct. 5, 2013.

The Big Conversation

Health care navigators are back on the agenda with a hearing Friday morning in Austin on new rules being formulated by the state's insurance department.

Those rules, which were proposed earlier this month, go beyond federal training and certification requirements. They specify that navigators "undergo criminal background checks, comply with additional privacy training, and provide proof of identity and documentation that they complied with education requirements," as the Texas Tribune's Becca Aaronson wrote at the time.

Gov. Rick Perry had directed Insurance Commissioner Julia Rathgeber in September to formulate the new rules to address what he believed were insufficient privacy protections in the federal navigator program. 

The authorization for the additional training and background checks came via Senate Bill 1795. The bill's author, state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, told the Texas Department of Insurance in an informal hearing in September that "he feared legislation he authored to ensure navigators could effectively help Texans find coverage in the federal marketplace had been wrongly co-opted by Perry in an effort to derail implementation of the Affordable Care Act," Aaronson wrote.

The left-leaning social welfare group Texas Organizing Project sent out an advisory on Thursday that it planned to be at the 9 a.m. hearing at TDI headquarters in downtown Austin. The group then plans to meet at 1 p.m. at the office of Attorney General Greg Abbott in order "to discuss his solution to the millions without health coverage in Texas," per the advisory.


•    Lawmaker calls for investigation into TWIA after racist emails surfaced (Austin American-Statesman): "The chairman of the Texas House’s insurance committee called Thursday for an investigation — and possible termination — of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association following the discovery of racist emails from some of the organization’s top officials. Rep. John Smithee, R-Amarillo, said offensive emails that came to light as part of a case between the quasi-governmental agency and the Brownsville Independent School District over unpaid claims were 'disturbing' and inappropriate."

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Quote to Note: "He was someone who really had no interest in trying to protect the Johnson Space Center. That simply is not a legislative priority of Steve Stockman, and you're not going to get anyone who could be worse for Johnson Space Center." — Rice University political scientist Mark Jones, on one side effect of Congressman Stockman's decision not to run for re-election


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