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The Brief: Dec. 18, 2013

The House select committee investigating possible articles of impeachment against UT System Regent Wallace Hall meets Wednesday. And indications are that it could be the last meeting as the investigation moves toward a conclusion.

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The House select committee investigating possible articles of impeachment against UT System Regent Wallace Hall meets Wednesday. And indications are that it could be the last meeting as the investigation moves toward a conclusion.

As was reported Tuesday, Hall declined to testify before the panel. The Texas Tribune's Reeve Hamilton further reports that Hall's absence could truncate a scheduled two days of hearings into a single day with testimony from UT officials. 

“'Unless Wallace Hall has a change of heart and wants to show up, we won’t be there on Thursday,' Rusty Hardin, the Houston attorney who is serving as the committee’s special counsel, said Tuesday," wrote Hamiton.

Hamilton also quoted committee co-chairman Dan Flynn, R-Van, as saying he wants the investigation concluded by year's end. "Flynn said that after the committee concludes its investigation, members would determine the ultimate course of action," Hamilton wrote, "including a determination of whether Hall's actions are impeachable."


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Quote to Note: "They just decided to, unilaterally, as a lame duck, thumb their nose at the will of the people and just spit on the U.S. Constitution." — Harris County Republican Party Chairman Jared Woodfill, who is also the lead lawyer in a suit to prevent Houston from extending health and life insurance benefits to same-sex married couples


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