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Ranchers Use Land Management to Conserve Water in the Llano

Robin Berry, the Lower Colorado River Authority’s water quality coordinator, discusses how rural land stewards use land management practices to help maintain water levels in the spring-fed Llano River.

By Robin Berry
Outdoor watering has been banned in Llano, so workers dug a ditch in late June before laying a pipe that will bring well water to football practice fields.

Robin Berry, the Lower Colorado River Authority’s water quality coordinator, who attended the recent Texas Water Symposium hosted by Texas Tech’s Junction and Llano River Field Station, discusses how rural land stewards use land management practices to help maintain water levels in the spring-fed Llano River. Practices include rotational cattle grazing, earthen header dams, invasive animal control and brush control. Presenting the science side, Dr. Robert Mace of the Texas Water Development Board explains how groundwater hydraulics work in relationship to the spring flow that feeds Austin’s water supply. — LCRA's Aqua Vitae newsletter

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