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The Brief: Feb. 11, 2013

Hoping to flex what little muscle they have in the Legislature, Democrats this week plan to take aim at Republicans over public education.

Rep. Trey Martinez-Fischer D-San Antonio,  at back mike of house on February 7th, 2013

The Big Conversation

Hoping to flex what little muscle they have in the Legislature, Democrats this week plan to take aim at Republicans over public education.

Though still relatively powerless, Democrats have devised a strategy that they say may force Republicans to take tough votes on education that could hurt them in 2014.

Today, according to The Associated Press, state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, will push to make school finance a so-called emergency item on the Legislature's agenda. The designation allows lawmakers to consider legislation within the session's first 60 days.

Democrats also plan to introduce a measure — via an emergency Medicaid spending bill — that would restore the $5.4 billion in education cuts made in 2011.

Some Republicans, however, have said they hope to delay any action on education funding until the state Supreme Court settles a legal challenge to the state's school finance system, which a state district judge recently deemed unconstitutional. Some may even be hoping for action to be delayed until 2014.

As the AP writes, Attorney General Greg Abbott "can do Republican lawmakers a favor and slow-peddle the appeals process to make sure the lawsuit lasts well into 2014. Then Gov. Rick Perry can call a special legislative session after the 2014 primaries and before the 2014 general election. Such a special session would allow Republican lawmakers to vote for a school finance overhaul that boosts spending after they've made it past the notoriously conservative Republican primary voter. They would also solve the school finance problem before Democrats could attack them for not taking care of public schools, one of the most important issues for the general election voter."

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