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Perry Talks Higher Ed, Fisher Case, Romney on CBS

Gov. Rick Perry appeared on CBS This Morning on Wednesday to talk about his higher education proposals, the Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin case and Mitt Romney's debate performance.

Gov. Rick Perry in his office at the Texas Capitol for a round of press interviews on Feb. 21, 2012.

Gov. Rick Perry appeared on CBS This Morning on Wednesday to talk about his higher education proposals — in particular, his calls for universities to create $10,000 bachelor's degrees and lock students' tuition in at a flat rate for four years.

But he hedged when asked to weigh in on the Fisher v. the University of Texas at Austin case, which challenges using race as a consideration in university admissions. Oral arguments are currently being heard in the U.S. Supreme Court.

"The university is putting forward this, but the Supreme Court is going to decide the constitutionality of it," Perry said. "The bigger issue for me is, are you going to have a diverse population in your universities? Absolutely, I think it's wise for us to do that. Are you going to use race as the factor to make that happen? Is that going to be the sole determining factor of how you're gonna populate? Again, the court is going to decide that, but all these schools need to be focused on getting the best and the brightest."

Perry was also asked about Mitt Romney's debate performance, which is something Perry has personal experience with. "Mitt's been practicing debate now for better than a year, and he's obviously quite talented at it and a very good debater, as we saw last week," Perry said.

Here's a video of the entire discussion:


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Rick Perry