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The Evening Brief: June 28, 2012

Your evening reading: what the health care ruling means for Texas; Perry calls decision a "shocking disappointment to freedom-loving Americans"; utility commission approves electricity price hikes

Gov. Rick Perry presenting the Governor's Award for Historic Preservation to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildland Firefighting Teams.

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • With Health Reform Constitutional, What Happens in Texas?: "What Thursday's Supreme Court decision means for Texas, where leaders have opposed 'Obamacare' despite the state's sky-high rate of uninsured residents, is complicated, both by politics and by the state's history of rejecting federal dollars."
  • Texans React to Health Care Ruling: "The Supreme Court's decision on Thursday to uphold the Affordable Care Act is sending tidal waves through Texas — particularly the state's GOP leadership. Here's a look at what Texas politicos and pundits are saying."
  • Regulators Approve Hike in Wholesale Electric Prices: "The Public Utility Commission approved a 50 percent increase for the cap on wholesale electricity prices on the Texas electrical grid. That will mean higher prices for ordinary Texans, consumer advocates fear."
  • TribLive: Romney and the Hispanic Vote: "At this morning's TribLive conversation, political strategists Matthew Dowd, Mark McKinnon and John Weaver discussed Mitt Romney's pressing need to win over Hispanic voters this fall."


  • Gohmert calls for investigation of Justice Kagan, says president lied about healthcare law (The Dallas Morning News): "Visibly angry, Tyler Rep. Louie Gohmert had harsh words on the steps of the Supreme Court following its healthcare ruling. Gohmert said that here had been lies in the president’s push to get the law through, going so far as to call out a key justice for investigation and possible impeachment. … But his most controversial statements came when Gohmert called for an investigation of Justice Elena Kagan, who was appointed to the nation’s highest court in summer 2010.  He said that, during her confirmation proceedings to serve on the court, Kagan had claimed to have no role in crafting the healthcare law in her previous administration position as the solicitor general. Kagan served in that position when the law was implemented in 2010."

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