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Santorum Endorses Cruz, Cites "Wow Factor"

Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum endorsed former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate on Thursday morning. The former presidential candidate said Cruz will do more than "vote the right way."

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Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has endorsed former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate.

Santorum is the latest in a string of high-profile conservatives to announce support for Cruz. In recent weeks, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and conservative TV host Sean Hannity have all urged Texas voters to pick Cruz.

Santorum, who suspended his presidential campaign last month, gushed about Cruz to conservative radio host Glenn Beck on air on Thursday morning, according to the Cruz campaign. He later spoke about Cruz on Houston-based Mike Berry’s radio show.

Santorum told Berry that electing a “principled conservative” who will “vote the right way” is not enough. What the U.S. Senate needs is a conservative star, he said.

“We need someone who has the wow factor,” Santorum said. “Who can go out there in front of the media, go out there on the floor of the United States Senate and deliver a strong and passionate message.”

Santourm told Berry that he would like to travel to Texas and campaign for Cruz before Tuesday’s primary, but wasn’t sure if he could fit it into his schedule.

“We’re working on trying to get down there, but if not, I’m going to be on the phone and doing whatever I can to influence the election from outside the state,” Santorum said.

Santorum is a featured speaker at the Texas Republican Party’s convention next month in Fort Worth.

Cruz originally endorsed Gov. Rick Perry in the presidential race. After Perry dropped out, he declined to publicly back another candidate

Former ESPN analyst Craig James, another Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, endorsed Santorum earlier this year and repeatedly highlighted his support for Santorum on the campaign trail.  

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