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The Evening Brief: April 20, 2012

Your evening reading: despite long odds, Paul posts hefty first-quarter fundraising haul; State Board of Education approves new math standards; SOPA outcry hasn't dampened Lamar Smith's fundraising

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination, speaks at a town hall event at Texas A&M University on April 10, 2012.


  • Paul raised $2.6 million in March (Politico): "The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it raised nearly $10.4 million in the first fundraising quarter of 2012, providing it with ample resources to sustain a 50-state race with establishment-choice Mitt Romney as well as compete decisively in Congressman Paul’s home state of Texas. For the fundraising quarter ending March 31, 2012, or Q1, total campaign contributions approached $10.4 million. In addition to the impressive eight-figure fundraising total for the quarter, the campaign is announcing that total contributions for the month of March alone exceeded $2.6 million. Other details include total cash on hand of nearly $1.8 million and zero debt, as is customary."
  • Despite SOPA, Lamar Smith dominates fundraising (Houston Chronicle): "The numbers of the January Internet protest about the Internet bills Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, and the Protect IP Act, or PIPA, showed the world — and Congress — the formidable strength of the Internet’s users. But despite of the loud outcry against the bills, there has been minimal impact on the campaign finances of those running against SOPA supporters like San Antonio Republican Rep. Lamar Smith, who sponsored the bill. Smith has raised nearly three times as much as both of the other Republican candidates combined, according to the Federal Election Commission."
  • Texas bundlers raise at least $6.9 million for Obama reelect effort (The Dallas Morning News): "The Obama campaign has released a list of bundlers — 532 volunteers who have raised significant donations from business associates and friends, at least $50,000 and in many cases, more than a half-million. There are 34 Texans on the list. Together they accounted for at least $6.9 million to $12.9 million for the reelection effort, and possibly much more. It's impossible to know for sure because the top tier has no upper limit. Five Texans fell in that $500,000-and-up category: Naomi Aberly of Dallas, Henry Munoz of San Antonio, Cary Patterson of Texarkana, and Kirk Rudy and Eugene Sepulveda of Austin."
  • Dewhurst super PAC pokes fun at Cruz via social media: "The heated GOP race for an open U.S. Senate seat has produced some interesting — and funny — campaign efforts from two of the leading candidates. The Texas Conservatives Fund, a super PAC backing Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, has developed a parody Pinterest account for the former CIA officer’s most outspoken opponent — former Solicitor General Ted Cruz."

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • TWIA Committee Recommends Staggered Premium Rates: "The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association could be raising premium rates soon — and for the time first, adjusting policyholder premiums depending on the likelihood of severe storm damage or hurricanes in specific areas."

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