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The Midday Brief: Jan. 6, 2012

Your afternoon reading: Huntsman hits Paul over ad on adopted daughters; new South Carolina poll shows Romney in front, Santorum on the rise; weekend debate could prove pivotal for Perry

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul leaving Valley High School after a Rock the Caucus event in Des Moines on Jan. 3, 2012, the day of the Iowa caucuses.

Your afternoon reading:

  • "Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman, who often speaks of his adopted daughters from China and India while on the campaign trail, said Friday that Ron Paul's supporters were out of line in using the girls to argue that he is un-American." — Huntsman objects to ad featuring his adopted kids, The Associated Press
  • "In another sign of the front-runner’s growing strength, Mitt Romney has taken the lead in South Carolina, according to a TIME/CNN/ORC poll released Friday. The poll, which surveyed likely primary voters on Wednesday and Thursday, found Romney commanding 37% support, a 17-point gain since early December. He’s not the only one carrying momentum out of Iowa’s photo finish. Rick Santorum has surged 15 points to 19%, picking up the largest chunk of Newt Gingrich’s shattered coalition. The former Speaker is still in the hunt with 18%, but that’s down from 43% in December." — TIME/CNN/ORC Poll: Romney Storms Ahead in South Carolina, Time

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "No matter what internet search engines tell you, U.S. Senate candidate and former ESPN analyst Craig James never 'killed 5 hookers.' Like presidential candidate Rick Santorum, he's the victim of a Google bomb." — On Twitter, Craig James Shrugs Off Google Bomb
  • "The recent kerfuffle over the sand dunes lizard in the West Texas oilfields may be nothing compared to what's coming. Across Texas, dozens of species are under consideration for a possible endangered species listing — and that has ranchers and oilmen worried." — Endangered Species Conflicts Loom in 2012

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