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The Midday Brief: Dec. 1, 2011

Your afternoon reading: behind the Perry "train wreck"; Abbott accuses Justice Department of stalling on redistricting; Perry pokes fun at himself in new ad

Gov. Rick Perry listens to U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's speech at an event in Waterloo, Iowa, on Aug. 14, 2011.

Your afternoon reading:

  • "Rick Perry’s already lackluster presidential bid went on a deathwatch after his debate debacle. In talking to the many who have known Perry over the years, fellow Texan Bryan Burrough discovers the surprising reasons behind the campaign’s train wreck and how Perry, with an unbroken string of nine political victories, might yet stage a comeback—despite his shocking backroom dealings with big campaign donors, the rumors about gay affairs and painkiller use, and the nasty bullying tactics he has used to implement a truly radical agenda." — Rick Perry Has Three Strikes Against Him, Vanity Fair
  • "Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today accused the Department of Justice of unnecessary delay tactics in the lawsuit over Texas’ redistricting maps, venting his frustration in a letter to the department’s Civil Rights Division head Tom Perez." — AG Abbott tells Justice Department: Quit stalling on redistricting, Texas on the Potomac
  • "Texas Rep. Ron Paul is doubling down on his criticism of ascendant GOP candidate Newt Gingrich, saying that the former House Speaker is a 'flip-flopper' who is 'getting a free ride' on his changing positions." — Paul: Gingrich a 'flip-flopper' getting a 'free ride,' NBC News

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "Tonight, he'll be appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. At the top of the show and immediately following it, viewers in Iowa will be treated to a new campaign ad in which Perry makes light of the flub. 'You know, we've all lost our train of thought before, but not many've done it on national TV,' he said." — "Oops" Happens in New Rick Perry Ad
  • "In his newest campaign ad — airing today in Iowa — Rick Perry name-checks Jimmy Carter in accusing Barack Obama of 'all talk, no action' on ending America's dependence on foreign oil." — Video: Perry Ad Ties Obama to Carter on Energy
  • "In a report released Thursday, the state's electric grid operator indicated that next summer could see a repeat of the rolling blackout threats that plagued Texas past summer. The reason: rising demand for electricity and some power plants going offline." — Grid Operator: Summer Blackout Threat Could Recur

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