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The Midday Brief: Sept. 12, 2011

Your afternoon reading: Jindal to endorse Perry; pro-Ron Paul PAC knocks "pretty boys"; Perry tones down Social Security rhetoric in op-ed

Texas Capitol

Your afternoon reading:

  • "Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is backing Rick Perry for president, a major endorsement for the Texas governor as the campaign for the Republican nomination enters the crucial fall stretch of the primary calendar, a source tells CNN." — Jindal to endorse Perry, CNN
  • "The first step to fixing a problem is honestly admitting there is a problem. America's goal must be to fix Social Security by making it more financially sound and sustainable for the long term. But Americans deserve a frank and honest discussion of the dire financial challenges facing the nearly 80-year-old program." — Rick Perry: I am going to be honest with the American people, USA Today
  • "The Ron Paul-backing Revolution PAC is out with a web video scorching both Mitt Romney and Rick Perry, asking supporters to donate money to the super PAC so the race doesn’t come down to a choice of 'this pretty boy or that pretty boy.'" — Revolution PAC hits Romneycare, HPV vaccine, Politico
  • "Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s humble origins and down home straight talk are central to his political identity, but for years Perry has enjoyed lavish perks and travel — mostly funded by a group of deep-pocketed supporters — that are allowed under his state’s lax ethics and campaign rules." — For Perry, being governor has perks, Politico

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert is trying to attract support for his U.S. Senate campaign with a detailed jobs program that combines his business experience with his public policy vision. His seven-second soundbite? 'You just can’t put this in a seven-second soundbite.'" — Forgo the Soundbite? A Noble but Risky Strategy

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