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The Midday Brief: Sept. 7, 2011

Your afternoon reading: Rove calls Fed Up! Perry's "biggest challenge"; three attacks Perry may face at debate; Dan Patrick rules out U.S. Senate run

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Your afternoon reading:

  • "Some of the toughest questions Texas Gov. Rick Perry will likely face at Wednesday night’s GOP debate might spring from his own words – his 2010 book 'Fed Up!'  Karl Rove, a GOP strategist for former President George W. Bush, went beyond that Wednesday on ABC’s Good Morning America, saying the book’s take on Social Security is Mr. Perry’s 'biggest challenge' as a 2012 candidate." — Rove: Perry’s Book Is His Biggest Problem, The Wall Street Journal
  • "The challenge for Romney in Wednesday night’s NBC News-Politico debate is to deflect any criticisms that may come his way and show more command over the economy and job creation than his opponents. He also will have to avoid relitigating his past, such as his Massachusetts health care law, which is a lightning rod for conservatives, and pivot back to what he believes is his winning issue: the economy." — Mitt Romney has to decide whether to tackle Rick Perry in Wednesday’s debate, The Washington Post
  • "As the new GOP front-runner, Perry no doubt has been preparing for the probable lines of attack his opponents may launch during the televised event at the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley, Calif. — especially those from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who led national polls until Perry joined the race, and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, whose rapid rise Perry halted." — Three Attacks Perry Could Face At GOP Debate, NPR

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "Immigration and Customs Enforcement directed prosecutors in June to use discretion when placing illegal immigrants in deportation proceedings. But attorneys for immigrants facing deportation say the new rules haven't filtered down to the ground level — U.S. Border Patrol." — Policy Shift Hasn't Reached Border Patrol
  • "Christi Craddick, daughter of former House Speaker and current state Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland, on why she wants to run for the Texas Railroad Commission, whether her dad's politics will get in the way, and why the oil and gas industry needs her as a regulator." — Christi Craddick: The TT Interview

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