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Sh*t My Legislator Said: A Quiz

As the 82nd regular session comes to a close, we pause a moment to remember some of the more notable statements of the last 140 days. And we invite you to join us by taking a special quiz we've created to commemorate the occasion.

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As the 82nd regular session comes to a close, we pause a moment to remember some of the more notable statements of the last 140 days. And we invite you to join us by taking a special quiz we've created to commemorate the occasion.

Of course, here at the Tribune, we are big believers in the truism that “context matters,” and we’ve taken that into account in our quiz.

Take for example, this quote from Gov. Rick Perry: "I can’t say I’m not tempted, but the fact is, this isn’t something that I want to do." Is he talking about calling a special session, tapping the Rainy Day Fund or running for president?

Chances are, the hardcore politicos out there can quickly spot that as something he said to Fox News’ Greta van Susteren when she asked him about a potential presidential bid. But Perry’s a pretty big fish in this legislative pond. Could you do the same for all the lawmakers? Can you identify the difference between a Tweet from Rep. Joe Deshotel, D-Port Arthur, about his colleagues, a pun by Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, on school finance, and an amendment by Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, on abortion sonogram legislation? If so, there’s some Tribune swag in it for you.

We’ve compiled 20 noteworthy quotes from the last five months. All you have to do? Identify who said each statement and the context in which it was said.

We will be getting in touch with the high scorers via email to see if they’d like their winnings in hat, T-shirt or bumper sticker form. Until then, good luck!

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State government 82nd Legislative Session Texas Legislature