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House Tentatively Approves Student Concussion Bill

The House approved a measure tonight meant to prevent brain injuries that result from concussions sustained by student athletes.

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The House approved a measure tonight meant to prevent brain injuries that result from concussions sustained by student athletes.

Under HB 2038, which was filed by state Rep. Walter "Four" Price, R-Amarillo, public schools would be required to follow a protocol developed by state education officials to deal with students who get concussions during school-sponsored athletic practices or other events. Students who are diagnosed with a concussion or who are suspected to have sustained one would be immediately removed from play. They wouldn't be allowed back on the field until a doctor signs a release. The bill would also require that coaches be trained about concussions and that schools create concussion oversight teams.

"Brain injuries just as important, if not more so," than other, more-visible injuries that athletes sustain, Price said. "Coaches need to be able to rely on a standard set of rules."

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