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The Midday Brief: Jan 26, 2011

Your afternoon reading: voter ID vote could come early, congressional Democrats chime in, and "Choose Life" license plates make a return

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Your afternoon reading:

  • "The Texas Senate has just gone behind closed doors to discuss perhaps debating and taking a final vote on the controversial voter ID bill this afternoon, rather than late tonight as planned." — Final vote on voter ID may occur today, Postcards
  • "So what happens when DC Texans deal with combative, Rick Perry-style Republicans? They wage political war. Respectfully. That's what happened when eight Democratic members of the Texas congressional delegation wrote a letter to state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte declaring that they are 'saddened' by the 'misguided voter identification law' that has been called a state 'emergency' by Republican Gov. Rick Perry." — Eight Texas congressional Democrats protest Rick Perry's Voter ID plan, Texas on the Potomac
  • "'Choose Life' license plates are back. Pre-abortion sonograms are an official state emergency. The 2011 Texas legislative session presents great opportunities for anti-abortion advocates and faith-based crisis pregnancy resource centers, to which the state directs millions of dollars per year." — ‘Choose Life’ license plates could be boon for faith-based pregnancy centers, The Texas Independent

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "Like many other Texas groups, faith organizations that lobby lawmakers are bracing for a brutal budgetary session. It’s not only a moral issue for the religious groups; it concerns their own bottom lines, too. Because when the government doesn’t provide for the needy, the needy look to the church." — Faith-Based Groups Brace for Brutal Budget Cuts
  • The Obama administration's "drug czar" on the federal drug control strategy, curbing drug addiction in the United States, helping to end drug-related violence in Mexico — and why legalizing illicit drugs is not the answer. — Gil Kerlikowske: The TT Interview

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