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The Midday Brief: Jan. 18, 2011

Your afternoon reading: inauguration coverage, corporate sponsorship and conservatives on spending cuts

Gov. Rick Perry gives a speech at the 2011 inauguration.

Your afternoon reading:

  • "Gov. Rick Perry — who has repeatedly said he is not interested in running for president — will deliver today an inaugural address for his third full term as Texas governor that sounds a lot like a speech to lay the groundwork for a presidential bid." — Perry inaugural address sounds like a presidential candidate, Texas Politics
  • "A buoyant Gov. Rick Perry seasoned his inaugural address Tuesday with numerous criticisms of the federal government, attacking Washington’s handling of the federal budget and the Texas-Mexico border." — Perry’s speech looks beyond Texas, Postcards

New in The Texas Tribune

  • We've posted the full text of Perry and Dewhurst's inauguration speeches. The Trib's Elise Hu was there to liveblog the events. And speaking of Elise Hu...

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