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The Midday Brief: Jan. 12, 2011

Your afternoon reading: Senate postpones rules debate; court stops death penalty hearing; Perry talks franchise tax

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Your afternoon reading:

  • "The Texas Senate put off a fight over its rules until next week. Senators are considering whether to allow a voter identification bill to come up without a preliminary vote. Democrats used the so-called two-thirds rule to block debate on the legislation in 2007, but Republicans set the rule aside in 2009 for that one bill." — Quiet day in the Legislature, Texas Politics
  • "Gov. Rick Perry wouldn't shut the door on a possible overhaul of the state's franchise tax during an morning press conference today. 'We, always, are open to fixing any inequities that may be there, but I don't suspect there will be a tax bill,' Perry said." — Guv talks franchise tax reform, sanctuary cities, Texas Politics

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "The Sunset Advisory Commission today unanimously recommended consolidating the Texas Youth Commission and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission into one single youth justice division." — Sunset Says TYC and TJPC Should Consolidate

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