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The Midday Brief: Oct. 22, 2010

Your afternoon reading: new polling, some good news on the economic front, and Joe Barton feels compelled to enter the NPR firing fray

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Your afternoon reading:

  • "A poll that has accurately predicted the outcome of ever governor's race since 1990 has Gov. Rick Perry leading Democrat Bill White by 11 percentage points in the home stretch of this year's elections." — Poll shows Perry leads among Fox News viewers, Texas Politics

New in The Texas Tribune:

  • "The national group with ties to former Bush White House advisers Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie (and $7 million from Houston homebuilder Bob Perry) steps into the CD-17 race against U.S. Rep. Chet Edwards." — American Crossroads Releases Ad in CD-17
  • "Federal immigration officials selectively enforce the law and are dismissing the cases of hundreds of aliens who ought to be deported, according to U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. He's leading a group of senators unhappy with the Department of Homeland Security for releasing immigrants detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement who haven't committed serious crimes." — GOP Senators Accuse DHS of Releasing Aliens

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