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Ads Infinitum: Perry's "New Jobs"

Gov. Rick Perry does some comparing and contrasting of Texas and Washington in his latest television ad.

Screen Shot: Perry's Open for Business Ad

Gov. Rick Perry does some comparing and contrasting of Texas and Washington in his latest television ad.

Titled "New Jobs," the ad uses much of the same footage as Perry's last ad, "Right Track." The main difference is that this time, in addition to discussing 850,000 new jobs added in Texas, the spot also highlights alleged failings of the Obama administration to deliver similar results elsewhere.

Here's the ad:


Here's the script and the sourcing provided by the campaign:

Obama promised more jobs.

SOURCE: “Obama promises 2.5M jobs in weekly address,” Washington Times, 11/22/08, 

But bailouts…

Text: Bailouts

…and out of control spending…

Text: Out of control spending

…have only made it worse.

Text: Have made it worse

“Obama: Hold me accountable for high unemployment,” The Hill, 7/16/10
“Federal budget deficit to exceed $1.4 trillion in 2010 and 2011,” Washington Post, 7/24/10

While the rest of the country lost more than three million jobs…

Text: The rest of the country lost more than three million jobs

…Texas added more than 850,000 new jobs.

Text: Texas has added more than 850,000 new jobs

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, current employment statistics, employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted, from Jan. 2001 (when Gov. Perry took office) to June 2010 (most recent official employment numbers).
Texas: Jan. 2001: 9,542,400; June 2010: 10,395,800; Change: 853,000 gain
United States: Jan. 2001: 122,856,800; June 2010: 119,671,800, Change: 3,185,000 loss
Complete BLS nonfarm employment statistics (Jan. 2001-June 2010) available online at  

More Texans have new jobs today than the entire population of Fort Worth.

SOURCE: “Frequently Requested Data,” City of Fort Worth,
“The North Central Texas Council of Governments estimates Fort Worth’s population at 736,200 persons as of January 1, 2010.”

“Texas is on the right path. As your governor, job creation is my top priority.”

Text: Governor Rick Perry

Securing our future. Governor Rick Perry.

Wait! We need your help.


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2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry