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The Midday Brief: Aug. 12, 2010

Your afternoon reading.

Republican Rick Perry and Democrat Bill White

Your afternoon reading:

"Gov. Rick Perry won't meet with editorial boards before November's election, spokesman Mark Miner says — the same decision he made before the GOP primary." — Gov. Perry won't meet with editorial boards, Texas Politics

"Gov. Rick Perry, suggesting Democrat Bill White has something to hide, said he won't budge on his refusal to debate White unless White releases more income tax returns." — Perry ups rhetoric on White's unreleased taxes, White hits back, Texas Politics

"Gov. Rick Perry is weighing in on the lawsuit filed yesterday by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott seeking to block the Obama administration's second moratorium on deepwater drilling. In short, the Republican governor says it is 'unfortunate' that the matter ended up in court, but he blasted the White House for 'a flagrant disregard' for Texas." — Perry backs Abbott's suit to block second drilling moratorium, Texas on the Potomac

"BP will pay a record $50 million fine related to safety violations at its Texas City refinery but is still contesting another $30 million in fines, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said today." — BP to pay $50 million fine for Texas City refinery issues, Houston Chronicle

New in The Texas Tribune:

"Rick Perry and Bill White traded barbs during and after short speeches in Austin this morning, each implying the other was concealing financial information that would be of interest to voters." — Perry and White Spar Over Transparency

State Rep. Debbie Riddle's terror baby claims of earlier this week were called 'absurd' last night by a former FBI official, who said '[t]here was never a credible report, or any report for that matter ... to indicate that there was such a plan.'" — Former FBI Official: Riddle's Claims Are "Suspicious"

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Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry