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Ads Infinitum: Bill White's "Part-Time Perry"

For his latest attack on Gov. Rick Perry, challenger Bill White has found the perfect messenger: Todd Rundgren.

Screenshot of White's "Part-Time Perry" video

For his latest attack on Republican Gov. Rick Perry, Democratic challenger Bill White has found the perfect messenger: Todd Rundgren.

In a new web video set to Rundgren's classic song, "Bang the Drum All Day" (chorus: "I don't want to work, I just want to bang on the drum all day"), the White camp lays out the number of hours — or, in some cases, half hours — Perry's schedule indicates he spent on state business in each day of March. The White campaign calls the March schedule "a new low" for Perry.

The clip comes with the launch of a new website,, that the White campaign says will serve as "a central clearinghouse" for information about the governor's work schedule.

The Perry campaign has said that the schedule does not accurately reflect the 24-hour-a-day nature of the governor's work.

Here's the video:

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