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The Midday Brief: Aug. 4, 2010

Your afternoon reading.

Response boats work to clean up oil where the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig sank on April 22, 2010.

Your afternoon reading:

"No more oil is likely to leak into the polluted Gulf of Mexico, the government's pointman on the massive oil spill declared Wednesday as efforts to plug a blown-out well succeeded. A relieved President Barack Obama said the fight to stop the leak is 'finally close to coming to an end.'" — Gov't has 'high confidence' oil spill almost over, The Associated Press

"President Barack Obama declared Tuesday that a major disaster exists in Texas and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area struck by Hurricane Alex, a news release said." — Obama signs Texas disaster declaration for 8 counties, The Associated Press

"Texas Sen. John Cornyn criticized the Obama administration's temporary offshore drilling moratorium today, calling it 'poorly thought out and short-sighted.'" — Cornyn rallies against drilling moratorium and removing oil liability cap, Trail Blazers

"A Texas project has made two Republican senators' 'top ten' list of wasteful spending contained in President Obama's economic stimulus plan." — Texas project makes 'top ten' list of stimulus pork, Texas on the Potomac

"Texas' two Republican senators are citing Elena Kagan's lack of judicial experience and her partisan political background as reasons that they will vote against her confirmation to the Supreme Court." — Texas senators explain opposition to Kagan, Texas on the Potomac

New in The Texas Tribune:

"After a decade in which Texas has seen a 400 percent increase in the number of children with autism, lawmakers are wrestling with how best to educate the afflicted — and how to pay for it." — Educators, Officials Face 400% Spike in Autism

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