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Did a Texas Rep. Shout "Baby Killer"?

An elected official shouted "Baby killer!" at Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, and a California Republican is saying it was a Texan. Which Texan? "The people who know won't give it up," he says.

U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-MI

U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, was giving his remarks against the motion to recommit, a last ditch Republican effort to use the abortion issue to halt the passage of healthcare reform, and another House member shouted "Baby killer!" at him.

It's unclear who it was, but there are some indications it may have been a member of the Texas delegation.  Early reports speculated that it may have been U.S. Rep. John Campbell, R-California. In an interview with Christina Bellantoni of Talking Points Memo, Campbell said it wasn't him, but that it came from someone seated behind him — and it sounded like it was someone with a bit of a drawl.  Here's the exchange:

Campbell: "That is where the Texans sit. Californians are in one row, Texans sit behind us. I am being told it's a Texan. The people who know won't give it up."

Reporter: "Do you know who it was?"

Campbell: "No."

Bellantoni: "What will you do when you find out?"

Campbell: "Nothing - I'm not going to do anything."

Here's the video from TPM:

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