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2010: Newspaper Endorsements: Kay, Kay, and More Kay

Editorial boards in Beaumont, Lubbock, Marshall and Wichita Falls join their big-city brethren.

Four more papers threw in with Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison this weekend in her bid to unseat Gov. Rick Perry.

The Lubbock Avalance-Journal:

Sen. Hutchison's fought the tax-and-spend policies of the current congressional majority ... but when she could not keep money from being spent, she made sure Texas got its share. If she didn't, the governor's campaign would attack her for that.

We like what she's done for Texas Tech and all other higher education institutions.

She's a strong supporter of public schools and higher education, understands the importance of beefing up border security and promises to restore public confidence in TxDOT with reforms to repair its broken system of financing.

Sen. Hutchison supports continued development of the Ports-to-Plains project initiated by Randy Neugebauer before he was elected to Congress.

She promises to stop to the Trans-Texas Corridor.

She's unveiled plans for the Taxpayer Empowerment Act to provide fairness and transparency when Texans protest their property tax appraisals.

She promises to ensure taking of private property by eminent domain always will be a last resort.

The Beaumont Enterprise:

Hutchison is stable, responsible and visionary — qualities sorely lacking in the incumbent.

The Marshall News Messenger:

We've rarely seen a politician with as much courage as Hutchison and that is what we need to lead Texas over the next four years.

Hutchison wants to improve the education of Texas children by attacking the drop-out rate — which now stands at an incredible 30 percent.

Doing so she believes — and so do we — will help keep people off welfare and out of prisons.

The Wichita Falls Times Record News:

How can a senator, one of 100 powerful politicians, do more for her state as a governor, as a delegation of one? We’d like to see her try. Her experience and seniority on a variety of committees served us well, and her ability to work with all elected officials without appearing to obstruct the process.

She knows North Texas, and, quite frankly, a Perry spotting in these parts is as rare as seeing a peacock on a cattle ranch. Perry has served too long. Thanks for serving.

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2010 elections Republican Party Of Texas